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Modern day tea factory – Galle

 Start your journey through the tea production by meeting your host early morning or late afternoon when it’s not too hot at a lesser-known tea factory just outside of Galle and walk amidst this scenic low country tea plantation. … Read More

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Turtle Hatchery

The Sea turtle hatchery is a day care for new born turtles. The babies must be released to the Ocean at heel of 4 days. Perhaps you will receive a rare chance to release the baby sea turtles to the sea. … Read More

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With palm-lined beaches, turquoise waters and a good selection of guesthouses and restaurants, Unawatuna is very popular with travellers. The resort’s location is superb, with the historic city of Galle just 6km away and a wooded headland to the west dotted with tiny coves. … Read More

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Hiyare Reservoir Rainforest

Hiyare Reservoir Rainforest and Biodiversity Research Center is one of the best kept secrets of Galle, lying just 16 kilometers from the town. Hiyare reservior which has been built over 100 years ago to provide water to the Galle town … Read More

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Antiquities of Galle

The Dutch Commandeur’s residence or Government House, Queen’s House in the British era, can be seen down the street opposite the Dutch Church which leads to the old gate. Over the doorway of this residence is a large stone slab on which the date 1683 and the figure of a rooster inscribed … Read More

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Whale Watching

Enjoy the beautiful ocean while spotting blue whales, humpback whales, killer whales, whale sharks, dolphins, or sea turtles.
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Stilt Fishing

This is no ordinary fishing, there might be several methods of catching a fish but this one is mind-boggling. Fishermen in Sri Lanka use stilts to catch a fish. Stilt Fishing is an old tradition practised by around 500 fishing families in Galle, in southwestern-most Sri Lanka, especially around the towns of Koggala, Kathaluwa, and Ahangama.
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The tea story

Tea was introduced to Sri Lanka in the colonial era by the British and the daily practice of drinking tea is now a firmly established institution in Sri Lankan culture. … Read More

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